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Wawa’s In The Club!

Wawa’s In The Club! The club sandwich that is. Or, at least, thier version of it. I love a good club sandwich, preferably with extra mayo. Don’t bother putting it on the sandwich, just roll out the 5 gallon jug of Admiration mayo and put it on the table. That oughtta do it. Club sandwiches are a pleasant memory for me as well. My Grandmom (the dead one) used to really like them. I remember the frilly toothpicks she would remove before destroying that thing in a cloud of fingers, crumbs and stray lettuce. She was a real inspiration.

I rolled into the Bridesburg Wawa after getting the rundown on cat sitting for my friend MellieFlo on a rainy friday night. I had to eat, so I strolled over to the computer screen to order a classic hoagie (It IS Hoagiefest ya know!) when I see this new thing pop up…club sandwiches! WTF Wawa? I thought we were tighter then that, you didn’t even mention it before!

They now offer Roast Beef, Ham, Ham and Turkey and Straight Up Turkey on wheat, rye or white bread. Bacon is included, as it should be. An odd thing tho, they don’t offer to let you have extra mayo, which made the mayo beast MIGHTY ANGRY at the time. I got over it tho, don’t worry. You can’t really customize it like you can a hoagie, except for creamy horseradish sauce and adding extra meat, cheese or both (I go both. I mean, why wouldn’t you?). I also got the club on rye. I had to have it toasted even tho I don’t get toast when I order it out and about. That turned into a nonissue, as you will soon see.

Wawa Ham and Turkey Club

Wawa Ham and Turkey Club

So here it is, the Wawa Ham and Turkey with Pepper Jack Cheese Club. Cut in half and not quarters. I’m not gonna lie, it looked a little odd. It was a sloppy looking thing, but I was intrigued and gave it a go. I mean, why not?

And I have to say, it was pretty

Inside the club

Inside the club

good. Could it have used some pickles? Or extra mayo? Yes, indeed.   But it had the right amount of meat and cheese on it, probably because I ordered the extra meat and cheese. When you are dealing with a sandwich that has a lot of bread, you kind of need to bulk it up a bit.

Wawa does use some thin bacon for it’s sandwiches. It reminds me of the Oscar Meyer precooked bacon: tastes good but a stiff breeze would crumble it to the ground. It gets a little lost in the sandwich, which was a little bit of a bummer.

Toasted Bread?

Toasted Bread?

What was really bizarre was the toast. I normally do not order my club bread toasted. It rips up my mouth like Captain Crunch. It’s no good for me. But the Wawa computer gave no option for the bread not to be toasted, so I bit the bullet and rolled with the mouthroof punches. Except, when I got home, I opened it up and the bread must have just walked thru the toaster becasue it was barely toasted at all. Look at this picture! Does that look toasted to you? Very bizarre!

So, altho I did not like the lack of extra mayo and the lack of being able to customize my sandwich, did I like the club? You know what? I really did! It was just filling enough and left room for me to have a little dessert. Check it out, it wasn’t perfect but it was still pretty delicious!

Hello Fall: The Wawa Gobbler Is Back!

This summer was ungodly hot and humid. At one point it even almost killed my car. At one point it almost killed me (100+ degree weather plus no ac in the car is no good for anyone, including an overweight jackass who has to drive to AC from Philly). While I am not looking forward to winter and all it’s bs that comes along with it, I do love fall. My birthday was this week and usually right after that (or after I recover from my hangover) Fall creeps in. I got my first look at it when my neighbor had a big bag of candy corn (that, much like Lewis Black says, tastes like crap but I eat it every year). My second look at Fall was that the Wawa Gobbler has returned!!

For those of you who don’t live within an hour of Philadelphia (or now in Florida!), Wawa is what some might call a convenience store. Using the word convenience store, you think of 7-11, which is correct and very, very wrong. Wawa has all the things a convenience store has, along with awesome freshly made food. A night out is not the same without stopping into the store to pick up a hoagie, and a morning after is usually soothed by a breakfast sandwich. Everyone has a favorite, and they have some awesome seasonal favorites, which brings us to The Gobbler!!

The Gobbler! Hello, Fall!

The Gobbler! Hello, Fall!

The Gobbler is a sandwich that we have all made: the Thanksgiving sandwich! Turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce and gravy.

Most places make them with lunchmeat turkey that has just taken a quick dip in some kind of salty, gross neon gravy. Not this turkey! It is thicker cut for some bite and they aren’t skimpy with it!


Side View!

Side View!

The stuffing has some seasoning in it, and it tastes like it came off of someone’s kitchen table, as opposed to just slapped together. Now, I am not naive, I know there isn’t some little old lady in the back making turkeys and stuffing for all of us. But I like the fact that they try and don’t just make a tub of salt and slap it on a roll.

Anyway, the gravy is excellent too, and it is not, as some gravy bought in stores ca be, a salt bomb. it’s actually tasty and really pulls together the whole sandwich. It also seeps into the roll and makes a home within it, oozing in over, under and around the ingredients. My absolute favorite part is the cranberry sauce, which has real actual cranberries in it! See them in the picture? Oh yeah!

When you order a sandwich at Wawa, it’s all computerized, so you can customize it any way you want. I added pepperjack cheese and creamy horseradish sauce. Delish! The flavors mingled like a drunken wedding party at 2am. Strictly speaking, the sandwich is happiness on a roll. Get one if ya can!

The deliciousness!

The deliciousness!


Tastykake Pink Lemonade Pie: Summertime Pielicious!

Every region of the country has their regional delights. In the Philly area, we love Tastykake. I have yet to meet a person who grew up here to say they do not like *something* Tastykake makes and has no fond memories of Tastykake from growing up. You know you have met a Philly person when they can tell you the secret to opening a package of chocolate cupcakes and not have the icing stick to the plastic (hint: flip it over and swipe the package on the table back and forth a few times).

Tastykake really IS Philly and has been around for a few generations, so when they started having difficulties of the finance variety, I got nervous. I did not want to live in a world where I couldn’t stop in literally any store in the city and, if I so chose, could have a Jelly Krimpet (my fave!), a Peanut Butter KandyKakes (or “Tandykakes”, as they were called when I was a kid) or one of their awesome fruit pies. I am a sucker for a cherry pie and theirs is a winner. In fact, I liked it so much, I would crack it open, eat the filling and *then* eat the shell. As the company looked for a buyer or some sort of help, Flower Foods stepped in and purchased the company. They are a Georgia based baked goods company that has a bigger reach across then country the Tastykake ever did. So, Philly transplants, you better keep an eye out for delicious baked goods coming your way!

Pink Lemonade Pie

Pink Lemonade Pie

One thing they like to do is put out seasonal pies. Meaning, the Pumpkin Pie at Halloween and the Egg Nog Pie at Christmas as well as other ones. I was in Wawa the other day and saw a Pink Lemonade pie. I had to try it. It was either going to be really good or really gross. I mean, Pink Lemonade? In a pie? I even put it in the fridge for a few days because I wanted time to really sit down and eat this thing, to see what is was all about.

Side Shot Pink Lemonade Tastykake Pie

Side Shot Pink Lemonade Tastykake Pie

Something Tastykake started doing a little while back was packaging the pies in little tins. This is relatively new in the packaging history of these things, at least as far as I remember. When I was younger, they used to come in the box and then they were packaged inside with what I think was wax paper. You would slide them out and then go to town. Now you slide them out and they are in the cutest little pie tin. The pie pops right out and you can start stuffing your face immediately, just like Mr. Tastykake would want.

Inside Pink Lemonade Pie

Inside Pink Lemonade Pie

The crust is always flakey, buttery and better than any Hostess pie (which is covered in glaze and makes me kind of sick). It also always tastes fresher. Some people complain about how they aren’t as fresh as they remember, I think these people are nuts. Go buy a Hostess pie and then eat a Tastykake pie and YOU TELL ME which one is fresher. Seriously people, come on. Anyway, What the heck is the insides? It looks like a pink custard middle. The flavoring is actually pretty mellow. I guess I was expecting a glass of CountryTime Pink Lemonade or something, but this was much better. The lemonade taste is more of a cool summer breeze of an after taste. Oh, it’s there but it lazes over your tongue as opposed to badgering it with water balloons of artificial nonsense.

I give this Pink lemonade pie a thumbs up! If you want to try something different, go for it! And if you live out of the area and want to try some Tastykakes for yourself or just want to see what I’m talking about, you can order products and see the history of the company at Now if we could only get them to have a Tastykake Race at Citizen Bank Park….